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Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Light that is coming into the real world

John. 1: 5-9
Light was shining and the Light that is Jesus who is coming to light this dark world ..
If there is no light, then human life will be affected by distress, anxiety, did not bring peace. Light shining in darkness and darkness can not prevail against it, as well as Jesus. If we believe in Jesus as the Light of the World, then all the trouble, kegelisan in our lives will be lost and replaced with joy.
What was there in the Light ...??
In the light of existing:
Psalms. 74: 20
For the dark places of the earth full nest of violence .....
Therefore, the Lord Jesus comes as the Light to move us from the darkness, into the Brightness become the property of pet own ....
Ecclesiastes 11: 7
Light is fun!
Isaiah. 2: 5
Walking in the Light of God, there is joy
If we live in the Light of God, then we will not be humiliated. To receive the Light .... we must become righteous.
Psalms. 97: 11-12
Light appeared to the righteous ....
Only Jesus can justify us, so we deserve the light of the glory of God. People who are sincere heart means that there is joy in God. Tribulation will not hit the right person.
Proverbs. 11: 8
The righteous will survive the hardships, while the wicked will replace it.
Ezekiel. 14: 12-14, 16
Only the righteous are saved from any catastrophe that befell the world. Salvation can not be hung to others.
Proverbs. 13: 9
Light shining brilliantly righteous .....

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Being called, Chosen, and Faithful

Main verse: Revelation 17:14
Lamb is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He was the chief, who has put all enemies under His feet. Therefore, those who, together with the Lamb will win. As a victorious king, He can hold his defense and as Mr. rich, he could hold for our maintenance.

Those who wage war against the Lamb is the antichrist, who is described as a beast with seven heads and ten horns. A woman riding the beast, that is Babylon. Babel is a woman who would become chief. He ruled over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18), enthroned like a queen - the king of women, and claimed instead widow (article 18:7). Babylon was like a rich lord of lords or merchants who have access to trade goods and become rich because of him (verses 11-15). But that is only temporary, because in time the kings of the earth, which will only rule one hour duration (art. 17:12) and have committed lewd with Babylon will weep and wail, see the smoke of her burning (article 18:9) . While the wealthy gentlemen, in one hour you will be exhausted riches perish (verse 10, 16). Jesus, the Lamb, as King of kings and Lord of Lords, had beaten them (paragraph 2).

Revelation 19:6-9 is a celebration of the victory of the Lamb and He is revealed as the king, namely the marriage supper of the Lamb. His wealth is in chapter 21:9-12, 19-21, proving that he is Lord of lords. If we always put him as chief and later became his bride, then we will enjoy all that is owned by the Lamb. For that, we should be called, chosen, and faithful.
As the called, the Lord has called us by name (Isaiah 43:1-2). Therefore, we should be sensitive to His voice calls and also the voice of His Word (Deuteronomy 4:12, 36; 11:13-15), evidenced by our coming to worship Him. Then God will bless us with rain early and late rain, bless wheat, wine, and our oil.
As we know, something that is chosen is the best. God also asks us to present something that is best for him, do not there is a defect. In Deuteronomy 33:13-17, Joseph as the shadow of God's bride, get all the best blessings from God. Physically, he is the best, or especially among his brothers. Her life was always accompanied by good deeds. For example, he does not hold grudges against his brothers acts of evil against him, but during a famine that he actually helped them. As the choice of God, we must do better, like the Lord has done its best for us.

Faithful is to stay in all the problems and struggles. Gave us not only believe in Christ, but also suffer for Him (Philippians 1:29-30, 2 Timothy 3:12-14). For example, Job was a man who remained faithful to God, even if have to experience suffering that is so heavy (James 5:10-11). And in the end become the blessed Job, until doubled. This is proof of victory. 

By being the called, chosen, and faithful, the victory of the Lamb as Head can we feel, in his defense and maintenance. All praise is for Jesus, the Bridegroom of Heaven, King of kings and Lord of all hosts. Hallelujah!

The fruits of the Light

Main Verse: 1 Peter 2:9
Be thankful, if the Word of God says that Christ loved the church, also called ekklesia (from the Greek), the church that has been removed from darkness to light is magical. That is, brought to know God is right and true, for Allah is the light and in Him there is absolutely no darkness (1 John 1:5).

As the church of God, we need a light in our lives. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says that the move from darkness to light like a blind man whose eyes had been dicelikkan, including blind spiritual eyes (Ephesians 1:18, Acts 26:17-18). 

Being in the darkness like the power of the devil, so we need dicelikkan spiritual eyes may be removed from the power of Satan to God, and thus we have the forgiveness of sins. Moving from darkness to light does not mean we are exposed to physically, but the light was shining from our hearts (2 Corinthians 4:4-6). 

Moses never experienced light / light in body and spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:7 says, "... For though faded, but the face of Moses, so looks bright ..." In Exodus 34:27-35, God's glory that shone through the face of Moses is the case when he received two tablets of stone, the ten commandments on Mount Sinai. Moses hanging out with God so closely until the light was shining through his face. This is proof that if someone has moved from darkness to light, the light was shining from the glory of God in his heart, which shone on his face.

In order for the glory of God's light to shine on the hearts and faces, then we must accept the Word as Moses. Word or the Gospel of what should we receive? 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says, that will take us to the glory of Christ. Over at Mount Sinai, Moses get the ten commandments of God which is written in two tables of stone and the teachings of the Tabernacle. Two stone tablets means the Word of God and the Tabernacle is a picture of God's church trial / bride. In conclusion, we need the Word Biblical Teaching Bride. When light fills our hearts it will produce the fruit of the light that is goodness, justice, and truth (Ephesians 5:8-10).

Kindness (John 10:9-10)
God positioned himself as a good shepherd who defend and preserve his sheep. He maintains us with a door so the sheep who go out to find pasture. He will defend to protect his sheep from the thieves who come. Although God has much to do good, there are still people who want to stone Jesus (verse 31). Let the glory of God's light shine in our lives so that we can do good like Jesus. 

Justice (John 8:12-13)
 In fairness, he puts himself as the Light of the world. To us, Jesus shows His justice will forgive our sins if we do not repeat them (verse 11). 

Truth (John 15:1-2)Jesus is the principal grape is right. If we want to be really like Jesus, then we have to be a branch that is always attached to the vine, so always clean. Do not let us leave Principal wine correct that we should not be a branch that shall be destroyed (verse 6). Let us always stay / stick on the vine so that when we raise prayer and supplication to God, He answered by giving what we ask (verse 7). Amen! szk

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

He is the Light of a Brighter

John 1:1-5Light shining in darkness and darkness can not prevail against it.In the dark → 
  • fear
  • anxiety 
  • death
Only in Bright, all of which exist in the dark, it is removed. Because Light is able to defeat the dark, as well as the Light of God that illuminates our lives so that our lives are darker now always true first moved into the Light.Luke 2:8-10In the atmosphere of a dark night, the shepherds felt fear but the Light of God come to bring great joy to all nations.I John 1:5God is light and in Him is no darkness. If God is in our hearts means that the light was also there in our hearts. So, while we will accept a personal God who is Jesus in our lives, then all our burdens will be replaced with joy, great joy.Genesis 15:12-14Darkness was very terrible!But if we are willing to accept the light that comes into our lives, the darkness will be destroyed by light so that darkness will no longer rule over us.

Ephesians 5:3-6, 5:18-21, 11All forms of deeds in the darkDirty words, things that are reckless, greed, and so is the dark deeds and do not deserve to be mentioned. Because the things that exist in the dark will bring the wrath of God.

  • Do not be drunk with the wine because it can lead to lust.
  • Do not do dark deeds.
Ruth 1:7-11, 15-17This is the example of the struggle to get light. It requires a long process, because to get that light is not easy.John 3:18-21Light has come into the world, but men prefer darkness because his deeds are evil. Because in the light of all the evil deeds will appear invisible.Ephesians 6:12-13To defeat the darkness, we must equip themselves with armor LIGHT ...!!!!Romans 13:12-14People who live in the light of the prevailing polite.


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