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Senin, 20 Desember 2010

The fruits of the Light

Main Verse: 1 Peter 2:9
Be thankful, if the Word of God says that Christ loved the church, also called ekklesia (from the Greek), the church that has been removed from darkness to light is magical. That is, brought to know God is right and true, for Allah is the light and in Him there is absolutely no darkness (1 John 1:5).

As the church of God, we need a light in our lives. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says that the move from darkness to light like a blind man whose eyes had been dicelikkan, including blind spiritual eyes (Ephesians 1:18, Acts 26:17-18). 

Being in the darkness like the power of the devil, so we need dicelikkan spiritual eyes may be removed from the power of Satan to God, and thus we have the forgiveness of sins. Moving from darkness to light does not mean we are exposed to physically, but the light was shining from our hearts (2 Corinthians 4:4-6). 

Moses never experienced light / light in body and spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:7 says, "... For though faded, but the face of Moses, so looks bright ..." In Exodus 34:27-35, God's glory that shone through the face of Moses is the case when he received two tablets of stone, the ten commandments on Mount Sinai. Moses hanging out with God so closely until the light was shining through his face. This is proof that if someone has moved from darkness to light, the light was shining from the glory of God in his heart, which shone on his face.

In order for the glory of God's light to shine on the hearts and faces, then we must accept the Word as Moses. Word or the Gospel of what should we receive? 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says, that will take us to the glory of Christ. Over at Mount Sinai, Moses get the ten commandments of God which is written in two tables of stone and the teachings of the Tabernacle. Two stone tablets means the Word of God and the Tabernacle is a picture of God's church trial / bride. In conclusion, we need the Word Biblical Teaching Bride. When light fills our hearts it will produce the fruit of the light that is goodness, justice, and truth (Ephesians 5:8-10).

Kindness (John 10:9-10)
God positioned himself as a good shepherd who defend and preserve his sheep. He maintains us with a door so the sheep who go out to find pasture. He will defend to protect his sheep from the thieves who come. Although God has much to do good, there are still people who want to stone Jesus (verse 31). Let the glory of God's light shine in our lives so that we can do good like Jesus. 

Justice (John 8:12-13)
 In fairness, he puts himself as the Light of the world. To us, Jesus shows His justice will forgive our sins if we do not repeat them (verse 11). 

Truth (John 15:1-2)Jesus is the principal grape is right. If we want to be really like Jesus, then we have to be a branch that is always attached to the vine, so always clean. Do not let us leave Principal wine correct that we should not be a branch that shall be destroyed (verse 6). Let us always stay / stick on the vine so that when we raise prayer and supplication to God, He answered by giving what we ask (verse 7). Amen! szk

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